
Your Travel Checklist – Don’t Leave Home Without These Items!

Here’s the travel checklist that I use before traveling, whether for business or pleasure. These are things that I’ve been prone to forget when traveling in the past.

Travel Documents and Money

International Travel

If you’re going on an international trip, make sure your passport is current and has plenty of time left before expiration. Check if a visa is necessary to travel to the country you’re going to. These things take weeks to get or renew, so start early.

Personal Items


If You’re Flying


Powering your electronics can be a challenge when you are traveling. If you’re driving in an unfamiliar area, for example, you’re likely to be using your phone’s GPS which drains the battery quickly. Before you know it, you’re left with a dead phone in an unfamiliar area!

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For Cold Climates

I live in a warm climate so it’s easy for me to forget to pack for colder weather. Here are some items to remember.


You should try to have fun even on the most hard-core business trip!

Right Before You Leave

Here are some things to remember to do before you leave:

What Else?

What’s on your travel checklist that I missed?  Please comment below! – Brian

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